15 november 2015

Pray for the world

It is not Paris we should pray for.
It is the world. 
It is a world in which Beirut, reeling from bombings two days before Paris, is not covered in the press.
A world in which a bomb goes off at a funeral in Baghdad and not now person's status update says "Baghdad", because not one white person died in that fire. 
Pray for the world that blames a refugee crisis for a terrorist attack. 
That does not pause to differentiate between the attacker and the person running from the very same thing you are. 
Pray for a world where people walking across countries for months, their only belongings upon their backs, are told they have no place to go. 
Say a prayer for Paris by all means, but pray more, for the world that does not have a prayer for those who no longer have a home to defend.
For a world that is falling apart in all corners, and not simply in the towers and cafés we find so familiar.

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